Writing in my Dreams

So where do the scenes and imagery of the Eartherians Series come from? As I mentioned in the first Blog Entry, I didn’t start to feel true inspiration and ideation until I started typing the story itself. From there, I found my mind connecting all sorts of experiences, stories, and even dreams I have had during my life.

Indeed, early in Eartherians Reach Book 1, the lead character and protagonist describes such a vivid dream, and I must admit that I pulled it from my own vivid dream from a number of years ago.

In 2005, we unfortunately lost my incredible and inspiring younger sister, Christina, at the age of 20. After several months of coping and grieving, I was still trying to understand what this life and universe was really going to mean for me. I mean, how can it ever be fair or right if my sister can just be taken away like that? I’m oversimplifying, but if you have lost someone close to you, you know exactly what I mean.

One night I had the most vivid dream I have ever had in my life. I am not entirely sure if I was actually interacting with the spirit of Christina, but there was a deep sense that this was the universe, or maybe God’s way of telling me that she was ok, and she had many things to do in whatever plane exists after this life.

The dream was so real I woke to the feel of chill air from the wintery scene of the dream, and looked down at my feet under the covers, just moments ago where I had heard the crunch of snow and ice under my shoes.

My mourning did not end there, but I finally felt a peace begin to settle in my soul, and I was able to pick myself up and re-focus myself. Afterall, Christina would never want her memory to be the source of any hardship, and I think the dream was a way of helping me to remember her without the pian and guilt that often comes with loss.

At any rate, there will be many of my dreams, or at least bits and pieces of them, that will serve as ideation and inspiration in the Eartherians series. I’ll be sure to tell you about the big one here on the blog as we go along.


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